Scroll down for retyped diary pages.

Note: March 26, 1944 to April 12, 1944

March 26
Had a raid around 9 P.M. fired 56 rds. chased Jerry away.

March 27
Had a raid around 5:30 P.M. 20+ Jerry planes came over.
Knocked down 2 Jerries, 1 Spit fire.

March 29
Had a raid around 11 A.M. 20+ Jerry planes came over.
Saw 2 go down.  35 rds. Another raid around 9 P.M. 38 rds fired.
Jerry shelled us on the morning of the 28th hitting 2 trucks & 3 trailors, wounding 2 men.

April 1
3 years in the Army.

April 2
Had a raid at 3:15 A.M. at 5:30 A.M. Jerry shelled our battery area with 200  88 shells, it lasted till 6:45 A.M. five men killed, 1 died at hospital, wounded.
6 dead – 8 wounded

Note: This is the end of the writing on the back of the previous page.


PAGE 21 Continued

April 2 & 3
Had raid at 10 P.M. & at 1 A.M. We did not fire 5 & 4 out of action.

April 7
Had three air raids started at around 10:30 P.M. & 11:30 last one at 12:30.  Saw plane come down.

April 8
Had air at 10:15 P.M. 23 rds fired.

April 10
Had raid around 9:30 and another 11:30.  We got one plane.  We also got shelled around 12:15.  Jerry threw 88’s over which hit around our area and a couple in the battery area no one hurt,
thank god.

April 12
Had a raid around 8 P.M. 20+ Jerry planes, F.W. & M.E’s 109, came over.  They flew in a formation dropping bombs & personel bombs hitting a few piles of ammo about

Note: This is the end of what we refer to as page 21.
