Scroll down for retyped diary pages.

Note: Continued February 24 & 25, 1944 to March 11, 1944.

Feb. 24&25 continued:
more of a nuisance raids. We were plenty tired.
Had a raid tonight at 7 P.M. ended at 7:30.

Feb. 29
Jerry kept us up from 8 P.M. till midnight.  We fired around 200 rds. Also fired Field Artillery from 12 midnight until 6 A.M. fired 100 rds.

March 2
Jerry came around 7 times during the night fired 50 rds. All toll.  Also fired Field Art.

March 3
At 3 A.M. had raid till 4:30 fired 68 rounds, changed barrels on 3 guns today after firing about 2000 rds.  Our gun is at the ordinance getting fixed, we’re using an old 90 MM gun.

March 5
Had a couple of small raids & fired around 50 rds.

Note: This is the end of the writing on the back of the previous page.


PAGE 19 Continued

March 8
Had 2 alerts but dry runs around 11 P.M.

March 9
Had 8 alerts between 12 Midnight till 5:30 A.M.  We Fired 4 out of the 8 alerts, about 150 rds.  Jerry kept us up all night & early morning.  We got credit for
2 planes.

March 11
Had a raid at 7:30 A.M. fired 2 rds.  Jerry sneaked in dropped his load, but Spitfires met them and dropped 2 of the Jerry planes.
We fired field artillery at 8:30 A.M. #3 gun had a bad rd and blew up. It ripped the breach block to hell wounding 5 men.
At 8 P.M. We had a raid fired 72 rds. Another raid at 10:30 fired 28 rds.
Started to rain around 12 so we had a quiet night.

Note: This is the end of what we refer to as page 19.
