Scroll down for retyped diary pages.

Note: December 17 & 18, 1943 to January 23, 1944.

Dec. 17 & 18
Jerry came of - (may have meant ‘over’) with 12 planes each day.  On 17 we knocked down one, on 18 we knocked down 3.  Our Battery got credit for 4 planes. Regament got credit for 11 planes all toll.
They fell like flies.

Dec. 24
Had a swell time Xmas Eve.
Got drunk with the boys.  Sang songs, joked & had fun, but we all hoped
& toasted that we’d all be home for next Xmas.

Dec. 25 (Xmas)
Warm clear sunny day.  Second Xmas over seas.
Had a swell dinner.  Sure wish I could be home.

Dec. 31
New Years Eve, cold and we were to move to Saint Maria & then go to another place.  (We’re clearing the front.  Didn’t move N.Y.Eve, so spent night with Joe, Mac, Phil, Al, Pop, Toblei, & Myself in a room.  Had nice time eating, drinking

Note: This is the end of the writing on the back of the previous page.


PAGE 12 Continued

Dec. 31 continued:
& talking.  Saw the New Year in Field guns fired at 12 midnight.

Jan. 1, 1944          (San Brisco)
Got up this morning & it is snowing & very cold out.  We’re moving this afternoon at 2 P.M.  Moved at 2 for rest camp at Santa Maria.  Nice place here & glad to be here.  Staying here for 6 weeks or more.
Jan 10.  (Raining)
Left San Brisco for Caivano-(Could be Giovano?).  Another Bivwack area.

Jan 11.
Got permission from captain to go see Uncle Martini.  Saw him & family.  They were sure glad to see me & visa versa. (Click here to view January 29, 1944 article, which appeared in the Evening Record telling about this visit.)
Jan. 23  Sunday  (Not raining)
At 10 this morning we were told to pack & get ready to move.  Left Giovano at 12:30-P.M. for port of embarkation.  Bivwacked outside of Naples for awhile.  Bagnola

Note: This is the end of what we refer to as page 12.

