Scroll down for retyped diary pages.

Note: January 24, 1944 to January 29, 1944.

Jan. 24
Left Bivwacked area at Baynolia for port.  Boarded L.S.T.  at Baynolia at 1.P.M. Destination unknown,
(May be south of Rome)

Jan. 25
Left Docks at Baynolia at 8 A.M. Sea Calm.

Jan. 26
Supposed to dock & unload this morning but sea to ruff & it really is ruff.
Anchored outside of a small city & can see the Jerries a.a. firing at our planes & the big guns firing.
Saw an American plane crash on the beach.  4 Jerrie planes flew over our boat, & the English guns an American guns on board fired at them.  This small city was where the 5th Army made an invasion in Northern Italy, Called Nituna 5:30 P.M. 8 more Jerry planes came over.  Knocked down 5 out of 8.  7P.M. Had more Jerry planes

Note: This is the end of the writing on the back of the previous page.


PAGE 13 Continued

Jan. 26 continued:
over us.  They dropped bombs all over the place.  A guy feels helpless standing on a boat not seeing the planes & not being able to do anything.  Will be glad when we hit shore & set up.

Jan 27  (Had 9 raids for the day)
Docked at Netuna an unloaded while unloading Jerry came over, dropping bombs.  Machine guns & Ack Ack knocked 3 down.
We set up on the out skirts of Netuna.  Had a raid around 12:30 last night, fired 9 rounds.  (Anzio beach)

Jan 28.  (5 planes credit for)
Have gun in hole and all set for action.  We had 2 raids this morning.  We’re seeing plenty of raids, dog fights an the Jerry planes are getting knocked out of the sky like flies.  Had 3 raids today.

Jan 29
Had 3 raids. 1 this morning 1 this noon & one at 10:30 which was a honey.  Fired 104 rds. In last raid.

Note: This is the end of what we refer to as page 13.

