Scroll down for retyped diary pages.

Note: November 27, 1942 to April 18, 1943

Nov. 27
Left bivowac area for battery position. Stayed near docks at position for awhile.

Dec. 1
We arrived at our permanent position. At the {publ?} {Piscine?}.

Dec. 4
Pvt. Geller died.  Attended funeral.

Dec. 13
Btry. Gave a parade in Casablanca.

Dec. 31    (Xmas overseas)
At 2:30 in the morning we had our first Air Raid.  Lasted till around 5:30 Btry. Got credit for 1 plane.  7 {Folke} Wolf {Curriors} in raid.  None got back according to reports. (Feb. 19, my birthday 22 yr. old)


Note: These were the last days recorded for the year 1942 and this was the very beginning of the United States entrance into the European Theater during World War II  George Sellarole, Jr. recorded his experience from November 27, 1942 to December 31, 1942 with brief lines that tell so much more.
--On the Dec. 1, 1942 day, I cannot clearly make out the word {Publ} because the page is damaged.  The word {Piscine} is written clearly, but I cannot make out if it is an R or P at beginning. It could read {Riscine}; just not sure.
--On Dec. 31, 1942 he mentions 7 planes of some type and a person with a better knowledge of the planes of the day would understand the writing better because it is readable.
--George Sellarole Jr. underlined after December 31, 1942 and did not record anything until March 20-21, 1943.

March 20-21, 1943
Left Piscine, at Casablanca for new position.  Destination unkown.

 Note: This is our next fixed reference point for a complete date of March 20-21, 1943. After this point he just marks month and day again.

March 25
Arrived at (Blida) near
Note: At this point George Sellarole Jr. has reached the bottom of the page.
This is the back of page 2 and is continuing into the front of the next page in the pad.  The word Blida is slightly torn at bottom but is for most part readable, just not by me. It appears in future references to be spelled Blida, a place out side of Algeria.  Here is the continuation of his diary.


Note: This is the end of the writing on the back of the previous page.

Continued page 3

March 25 continued:
airport, also 30 miles from Algeria. Raining

April 8.
Had target practice at B. Btry. in Algeria.  Fired at sleeve drawn by plane. Did good shooting.  Cut sleeve from cable.

April 9.
Broke camp at Blida.

April 10.
Left Blida for new position at Algeria.  Position in Hussen Oiy-? on Mediteranean Sea. On the out skirts of city of Algiers. Set in guns and fixed camp for living.
Note:  spelling of the location unclear {Hussen Oiy}

April 17.
Had air raid.  Had a pass, the first one here.  Went too Algiers.  A nice city.  Got back at 8 P.M. and raid started at 8:15 P.M. ended at 8:45 P.M. fired 96 rounds gun red hot. 2 bombs hit Algiers houses.

April 18.
Palm Sunday.  Went to

Note: This is the end of what we refer to as page 3.
