
Scroll down for retyped diary pages.

Oct. 26, 1942
<Not Readable ‘leforz ….I….o> took
Train C. 68 R.R. Cm took to transport Sta.
Nov. 20 668    % PM
New York N.Y.





A <??>   1942

Note: The diary was written on a simple small note pad 3-1/2” by 6”.  It was in his pocket or back pack for four years of war.  For this to still have a cover at all is amazing.  George Sellarole, Jr. at this time was writing specific transport information and the Oct. 1942 date is clearly seen.  The bottom left hand corner not sure if that gives date of arrival or departure or possibly the name of the ship.

Note written by:
Bob Meli
May 16, 2013


This is George Sellarole Jr.'s War Diary. The reading of the diary is extremely difficult.
Although difficult, the historical importance of the diary is beyond explanation.

