Scroll down for retyped diary pages.

Note: Continued February 7, 1944 to February 11, 1944

Feb 7 continued; George labeled Feb. 7 next also:
Wasn’t on the ball & guns got only one round off.  (starting to think raupe section stinks  or scared.)
Jerry is raining hell around here.

Our gun & crew left the battery position about 8:30 P.M. for the front to set up as anti-tank.
We set up on route 6 about 2 miles from the front, with a lot of field artillery around us.

About 2-P.M. Jerry started shelling around our area. 
They were dropping them to close for comfort.  Closest one was around 20 yds. from the gun pit, we were all in the gun pit.
About 3 P.M. 10 Jerry planes came over & dropped bombs weighing about 300 lbs. One of the bombs landed about 150 yds. from the pit, and what a racket it made.  We watched the bomb leave the plane & followed it down, the plane

Note: This is the end of the writing on the back of the previous page.


PAGE 15 Continued

Feb. 8 continued:
was about 500 yds. up, and it was something to watch.  While watching it, it made a guy feel helpless & knowing you can’t do nothing to stop the bomb.

Note: George Sellarole Jr., who meticulously marked the dates, seemed to scribble out and was not sure of dates from February 9th to February 17, 1944.  Considering what George Sellarole was enduring, it is amazing he wrote anything at all.  Some dates he repeated, but days must have just run together as the bombing and war itself appeared to have no end.
<Note; Bob Meli September 8, 2013>

Feb. 10
Nothing much today, A few Jerries came over & straffed & bombed.

Feb. 10
Watched about 50 B-25’s go over & bomb the Jerry lines.

Feb. 11
About 150 B17’s & some P40’s went over & bombed hell out of Jerry.  We saw 1 B 17 get hit & come down in flames, also a P 40.
Feb. 11
Jerry shelled the road junction all afternoon. (Junction about ½ mile ahead
of us)

About 9 P.M. Jerry threw about 20 shells around our area, and they were big ones.  Myself & another fellow were on guard at the time & it scared hell out
of us.

Note: This is the end of what we refer to as page 15.

