Scroll down for retyped diary pages.

Note: Continued August 22, 1943 to September 8, 1943

Aug. 22 continued:
Went on my first pass in Palermo. Visited Catacombs of Cappucini.

Aug 27
Been having a lot of alerts since the raid, been having them mostly in
the early morning.

At 11-A.M. Messerschmitt 109 flew over.  We didn’t fire because a P-38
took after it.

Aug 29
We were given orders to unload our rifles between 3-P.M. & 7 P.M. & not to fire a shot even if we’re attacked. This also happened at Casablanca during the meeting of Roosevelt & Churchill. They say Italian officials flew over to talk of peace.  I hope so.

Aug 30
This order was issued today “2 Italian planes will take off from Airport escorted by 2 Spitfires.  No guns will be loaded nor will anybody


Note: This is the end of the writing on the back of the previous page 


PAGE 7 Continued

Aug. 30 continued:
fire from 3 till 7 under any conditions.  I saw the plane with a white stripe around its tail

Aug 31
The same thing as yesterday from 8 A.M.-10 A.M. and also tonite from 7 P.M. - ? Am sure now something is being negotiated to get German out of Italy by surprise & then Italy will look for peace.

Sept 3
Italy invaded by Canadian & English.  Americans not yet.

Sept 8
Firing pins were taken out of the guns & no fireing of any kind 6 P.M.
to 6 A.M.

Just heard the news.
Italy gave up at 7 P.M. actually the Armistice was signed Sept 3. those days we weren’t supposed

Note: This is the end of what we refer to as page 7.  

