Scroll down for retyped diary pages.

Note: Continued February 11, 1944 to February 17, 1944.

Feb. 11, continued:
Mud was flying all over the place, & when you can smell the smoke from the shells, its too close for comfort.

Jerry dropped a few shells around all day.
Around 7 P.M. Jerry flew over & dropped flairs over the front lines & over the field artillery around us, then he started dropping small bombs.  What a night, Ack-Ack firing & bombs dropping & flairs made it some sight, the place was all lit up.

Feb. 13
Jerry did a little strafing & bomb in early this morning came over twice.

Feb. 14
Jerry came over at day break strafing & bombing.  Also came around at 7 P.M. dropping flairs & bombs.

Feb. 15
Jerry came over around 8 P.M. & dropped bombs over the docks, the front & around us & the

Note: This is the end of the writing on the back of the previous page.


PAGE 16 Continued

Feb. 15 continued:
field guns.

Feb. 16
About 4 A.M. Jerry came over again dropping bombs & strafing, he came very close to hitting our gun.  Came around again at 6:30 A.M., the Jerries are sure raising hell.
Jerry also threw a barrage of shells over the front & back.
A Jerry plane came over at 10 A.M. dropping bombs, he hit an English truck about 150 yds. from the gun.

Jerry shelled the front & around us & the field artillery all day.
Three different flights of Jerries came over & dropped bombs & strafed.

Feb. 17
Jerry came around 3 times once this morning & twice this afternoon.  One of his bombs hit a house about 75 yds. from where we’re stay, and knocked it all to hell killing 2 soldiers.

Note: This is the end of what we refer to as page 16.
