Scroll down for retyped diary pages.

Note: July 26, 1943 to August 22, 1943.

July 26
Went on Pass. Hitch hiked to Tunis. Had a pretty good time not much damage in Tunis.  Pretty nice place. Docks bombed to hell.

Aug. 6
Left Matrue at 5:30 P.M. Rumors are were going to Sicily.  Bivwacked between Ferryville and Bizerte.

Aug. 7
Early this morning at 4 A.M. there was an Air Raid over Ferryville and Bizerte
We watched the air raid did not fire.  Boarded Barges at Lake Bizerte at 5:30 P.M. Left the shores of Africa and anchored in Harbor at 9:30 P.M.

Slept on deck L.S.T. 306

Aug. 8  Sunday.
Headed out to Sea at 10:30 A.M. Passed Bizerte on way out.  Pretty well bombed up.

Aug. 9
Sighted Sicily around 7, A.M. Pretty rough sea
Note: This is the end of the writing on the back of the previous page.


Page 6 Continued

Aug. 9 continued:
during the night. Pulled into Palermo harbor at 4, P.M., unloaded from boat at
5 P.M.  Not a bad place.  Houses and Docks bombed to hell.

Bivwacked outside of Palermo, just below the largest mountain in Sicily at
2:30 P.M. pulled out of bevwacked area.  Our position is on the out skirts of Palermo. Working hard getting position ready. Worked until 3:30 A.M. on the gun pit.

Aug. 12
Was put on prison guard, guarding Italian prisoners.

Aug. 22
4 A. M. we had a raid.  25+ Jerries came over and dropped a few bombs on docks and town.  First raid we had in Palermo, ended at 5 A.M.  fired 51 rds.  Little damage done, A.A. credited for 3 planes.  Hit 2 sub. Chasers, killed 30 sailors, injured 15.

Note: This is the end of what we refer to as page 6.

