Researched Veterans
The names below are Hackensack veterans who have been researched. More are to be added in the future. Note: * refers to those men and women who died while serving in the Armed Forces of the United States. |
Revolutionary War |
Cornelius Bogert "Demarest Family Cemetery 1677" |
Ichabod Cleveland |
Morris Earle |
Enoch Poor "Brigadier General" |
War of 1812 |
Mexican-American War |
Jacob W. Zabriskie |
Civil War |
George W. Kohler |
Spanish American War |
Albert A. Ackerman |
Ellsworth P. Bertholf |
Arthur F. Curtis "West Point" |
Jeremiah Everson "War Unknown" |
Charles Miller "War Unknown" |
Anthony C. Muller "Sergeant" |
Thomas Pierce |
William W. Robinson "Pvt. Co. B 24th Regt. Infantry" |
Jacob G. Scoskie |
Warren J. Terhune "A Commanders Tragedy" |
Abraham Valentine "War Unknown" |
Issac Van Sciver "War Unknown" |
George E. Wells "Company C 1898" |
Ernest L. Zimmerman |
World War I |
Arthur Adams
"Under Orders" |
George Alsten |
Erickson G. Backus "Original List" |
Scheffield Banta "A Good Laugh" |
![]() "Wounded" |
William Bennekemper, Sr. "Army" |
Raymond S. Binder |
Hugo Boise "Enlistment" |
Eugene Breen * "Spanish Influenza" |
Herbert A. Brower "Camp Dix" |
![]() "Gassed" |
Ray Brower "Life in The Trenches" |
![]() "Captain Doremus's Aid" |
Horace W. Bush "Merchant Marine" |
![]() "Wounded" |
Lee Campbell |
Louis Capozzi German Blockade |
Thomas L. Caldroney "Doc" |
Campbell Carruthers* "Spanish Influenza" |
Arthur Coffey * |
Edward H. Coffey "Leaves Princeton" |
Julius F. Coles "Under Orders" |
![]() "Battle of Vimey Ridge" |
Herbert Cumming "Private 1st Class" |
Dominick D'Agostino "St. Joseph's Cemetery" |
Armando DeCrosta * "Pompton Lakes Drowning" |
Ellsworth Dederick * "Spanish Influenza" |
Clayton Demarest "Hackensack Locals" |
Voorhis Demarest "Shipping Out" |
Westervelt R. Demarest
"Naval School" |
Whitney Dennis "Coast Artillery" |
Frank Dillard "Family Connections?" |
Junior Dillingham "Front Line Battle" |
![]() "Captain Co. G" |
Herbert Dougherty "Naval Reserve" |
Benny Douglas "Medical Corp" |
Henry Douglas * "Foschini Memorial" |
John J. Drinkwater * "Spanish Influenza" |
John A. Drobinske, Jr. "Argonne Forest" |
Ralph D. Earle "Submarine Chaser" |
Rudolph Felsman "Arriving Home" |
Kenneth Ferdon "Mosquito Fleet" |
Chester E. Ferguson "Naval Reserve" |
![]() "Gassed" |
![]() "Gassed" |
Lauriston B. Goetchius "308th Field Artillery" |
William Henry Green, Jr. "Under Orders" |
Amasa F. Gurnee * "Spanish Influenza" |
Jack "Hans" Haering "Cross Country Team" |
Frank W. Harrison "Mosquito Fleet" |
John Park Hart * "Spanish Influenza" |
Russell Hastings * "Spanish Influenza" |
Felix Haymart * "Spanish Influenza" |
Bert Hedges "Honeymoon" |
George E. Hedges "Fateful Field Message" |
Anton Helble "Maple Grove Cemetery" |
Dudley M. Herbert "Sink U-Boat" |
Elmer R. Herring "Coming Home" |
William A. Hess * "Gave All" |
Clarence Higgs "Under Orders" |
Fred Himmell "NY 369th Infantry Co. D" |
John Hirt * "Spanish Influenza" |
Raymond F. Jacobus "That Lady" |
James Jackson* "Spanish Influenza" |
James Jenkins "Hackensack Cemetery" |
Chester Jersey "Hackensack Locals" |
Henderson Jeter "Under Orders" |
Archibald D. Jewell "Armistice In Paris" |
Karl Kastler,II * "Peetzburg, N.J." |
Raymond Kempton "Humble When Wounded" |
![]() "Wounded" |
![]() "Picardy Charge" |
William H. Klein "Gvivng the Kaiser Hell" |
George Knopf "Infantry" |
Albert S. Kovar * "Spanish Influenza" |
Clayton P. Lambert "A Poem" |
Edward A. Lambert "A Poem" |
Eugene "Gene" Lawrence "First Home" |
Arthur Lent "Mosquito Fleet" |
Henry F. Levitzki * "While Waiting Horse Kick" |
Ralph E. Lovell "Enlisted Service FBC Plaque" |
Edwin H. Lutkins "Red Cross" |
Harry G. MacDonald "Doctor" |
Gus Marans "308th Field Artillery" |
Robert Mathieson* "Tank Division" |
Peter P. McArdle "The Fighting 69th" |
George C. Mercer "Hackensack Locals" |
Ed Moore "Chance Meeting" |
Joseph H. Mooring "7:36am Train" |
Eugene Morrow "U.S. Army" |
Andrew Moseley "Private Army" |
Richard Mullaney "Original List" |
Arthur S. Nicklar * "Spanish Influenza" |
![]() "Wounded" |
George G. Peck "The Dugout" |
John M. Peck "Aviation Corp" |
C. Peters "Over There" |
E. Peterson * "Gave All" |
William Pince "Wounded At Chateau Thierry" |
William Plump "Mortar Battery" |
Shelley Points "Under Orders" |
Rolfe Willis Proctor * "Spanish Influenza" |
Robert Reavis "Hackensack Cemetery" |
![]() "War Valor To City Manager" |
Henry Reitsma "1918 Harley Davidson" |
John Ruse "Candy Maker" |
![]() "Co. G. Letters Home" |
George Ryder
"Camp Merrit" |
William "Billy" Schlossarek "Over the Top" |
Edward W. Seilheimer "Seilheimer Soda Company" |
Phillip Seilhiemer "Without A Scratch" |
George Sellarole, Sr. "Coast Guard" |
![]() "Maywood 19 Years Old" |
Carter C. Smith "Naval Reserve" |
William Somerville "Under Orders" |
Albert Stevens "Under Orders" |
Charles G. Stone "Red Cross" |
Stanley M. Thomson "Naval Reserve" |
R. Anderson Todd "English Soldier" |
![]() "Gassed" |
Charles Truman "Naval Reserve" |
John C. Tyler* "Army Lieutenant" |
Howard Van Valen "Newport, R.I." |
Harold Van Zandt "First Baptist Church" |
Robert Voorhis "Strangely Shot" |
Charles Ward, Jr. "THE LIST" |
Tom Ward "U Boat Attack" |
Fred D. Warne "On Way to France" |
William M. Warne "Appendicitis Operation" |
Richard J. Watson "Under Orders" |
Peter Weedo "Chasing Huns" |
W. E. Wedering, Jr. * "Supreme Sacrifice" |
Alfred J. Weiss "Train to Georgia" |
John Weir "Private 1st Class" |
Edgar M. Welch * "First Victim Spanish Influenza" |
![]() "Killed Last Day" |
Robert C. Wells "Newman School" |
Harry L. Westervelt "Meets Uncle" |
Garry Westervelt "308th Field Artillery" |
Ralph Williams "308th Field Artillery" |
William P. Williamson * "Family Tree Civil War to WWI" |
Marins Zuria "Prisoner" |
World War II |
Michael P. Aletta "Panama Canal" |
Robert H. Ames "New Milford in WWII" |
John A. Amore "Supply Clerk" |
Richard E. Baldsiefen * "AAF Best and Brightest" |
John Haxton Barnes "Okinawa" |
John Becht "New Milford in WWII" |
Robert H. Bell "New Milford in WWII" |
Willard C. Bell "New Milford in WWII" |
Edgar W. Bensen "Recalled" |
Henry Bernstein
"Meeting in Italy" |
Walter Bertoni "New Milford in WWII" |
Harold Birnie "New Milford in WWII" |
Martin G. Blechman "Medic - Battle of the Bulge" |
Alfred K. Bliss "New Milford in WWII" |
Gunter Bliss "New Milford in WWII" |
![]() "Friends Remember" |
Adam A. Borylo "Cadet Naval Aviation" |
Paul E. Boulais "Marine" |
Thomas Bright "New Milford in WWII" |
Elmer H. Brower "Army Air Force" |
![]() "Red Ball Express" |
Guido W. Brugnoli "New Milford in WWII" |
Robert J. Burns "New Milford in WWII" |
Thomas A. Burns "Fighting near Manila" |
Frank A. Campbell "Anti-Aircraft Gunner" |
Thomas H. Cameron * "Coral Sea Battle" |
Richard L. Carlsen "Original Wall Unit" |
Thomas F. Carney "New Milford in WWII" |
John Chomiak "Service" |
Nicholas Chomiak "Air Force" |
Richard W. Cooke "New Milford in WWII" |
Clifford Coyman "Bank President" |
Dominick Dalessio
"USS Haradin 545" |
Angelo A. D'Arminio "U.S. Army " |
Carmen D'Arminio "1st Army Tank Division" |
Patsy W. DeGeorgia "State Side" |
Harold Denson "1942-1946" |
Julius J. Denzler "New Milford in WWII" |
Angelo DeRosa "First Call #158" |
Anthony Di Palma, Jr. "New Milford in WWII" |
Louis Di Palma "New Milford in WWII" |
Bernice A. Dudziec "Major, Army Nurse" |
Louis J. Faller * "1942 Pilot Pacific" |
![]() "Southern France" |
Jack Franke "New Milford in WWI" |
Sheldon L. Freschi "New Milford in WWII" |
Harold Charles Friedeman "Prisoner of War" |
Cornelius "Neil" Fulton "Pacific Air Corps" |
Andrew Gaffney "Chemical Decon Co." |
Adam Gan "26 Year Old Drafted" |
Walter Gan "Coast Artillery" |
Melvin Gelber "Naval Academy Alternate" |
Angelo P. Ghiorse "New Milford in WWII" |
Bert F. Gibbs, Jr. "New Milford in WWII" |
Anthony J. Gilio "HHS Music Man" |
Guisto Giuricich "New Milford in WWII" |
Edward Gleeson "U-Boat Sinking" |
John F. Gorzynski "New Milford in WWII" |
Paul P. Gorzynski "New Milford in WWII" |
Norman P. Gunter "PBY Catalina Squadron" |
Michael Hanulak "Staff Sergeant" |
William J. Heitsche, Jr. "New Milford in WWII" |
George W. Held "Trench Foot" |
Paul Herman "41 Missions" |
H. Kent Hewitt "Admiral" |
Thomas J. Hilyer "New Milford in WWII" |
Bernard P. Hoffman "Navy" |
![]() "U.S.S. Maddox" |
![]() "A Bombardier" |
William V. Ingoglia "Combat through Europe" |
Anthony J. Iurato "Top Turret Gunner" |
Daniel T. Jankelunas "New Milford in WWII" |
Samuel P. Johnson "3677 Truck Company" |
Edward J. Jordan* "Tail-Gunner B29" |
Robert Jordan "New Milford in WWII" |
Philipp A. Kehr "New Milford in WWII" |
Albert C. Kern "New Milford in WWII" |
William Klatt
"New Milford in WWII" |
George A. Kleine "New Milford in WWII" |
Leonard A. Knies "Graduation to Service" |
Kenneth Victor Kobza "Army" |
Frederick E. Koester, Jr. "Early Honorable Discharge" |
Henry J. Krauss "New Milford in WWII" |
![]() "Iwo Jima" |
Everett Lewis Labagh "Church on the Green" |
Anthony La Barbera "New Milford in WWII" |
Dennis J. Lacey* "Pacific Pilot" |
James E. Lacey "Parachuter D-Day " |
Edward R. Langfield "New Milford in WWII" |
![]() "Peleliu" |
Garry Leonard* "Flight Navigator" |
Milton H. Lipschitz Lipson "Wall Unit Name" |
![]() "Air Force Europe" |
Herbert J. Madden "New Milford in WWII" |
James W. Madden "New Milford in WWII" |
Julio Magnifico "Aleutian Island Scout" |
Jack M. Malkin "Attorney, Italy Campaign" |
Victor Malone "Sergeant Major, Visiting" |
Ernest J. Manna "New Milford in WWII" |
Sidney A. Marcus "MP Governors Island" |
Dominick Mastrangelo "Drafting the Neighborhood" |
Joseph Mauriello "Africa and Italy Campaigns" |
Beryl L. Melendy "New Milford in WWII" |
Anthony C. Melillo "VFW" |
Stanley Mockel "New Milford in WWII" |
Harold E. Moosmann* "Tunisia Cemetery" |
George J. Morey "New Milford in WWII" |
E. Frederic Morrow "First Presidential Aide" |
William H. Morrow "32 Pacific Missions" |
William Morrow "Career Soldier" |
William H. Neverman "New Milford in WWII" |
George H. Niebler "New Milford in WWII" |
William E. Nulle "New Milford in WWII" |
Arthur S. Oakes "New Milford in WWII" |
Francis Paul Oddo "Army Medical Unit" |
G. Robert Parker "U.S. Army" |
Armond Parseghian "Brothers in Battle" |
Edward Parseghian "Brothers in Battle" |
George Parseghian "Pacific Theater" |
Warren Pattberg "Seabees" |
David Paulson* "Army Ranger" |
Joseph Peccoralo "Iwo Jima" |
Eleanor Pfeiffer "A Woman on the Wall" |
John S. Phillips "Commander Pearl Harbor" |
William A. Phillips "Army Air Corps" |
Joseph E. Pidone "Navy" |
William J. Pierson |
John Patsy Pinto "Sisters Tribute" |
Edward S. Popek "Army Air Force Ace" |
Phillip Puglisi "Captain" |
Salvatore Puglisi "Radio Operator" |
Thomas Puglisi "Patton's Army" |
Vincent Puglisi "Patton's Army" |
Edward W. Raska "New Milford in WWII" |
Lawrence J. Redmond "New Milford in WWII" |
![]() "U.S.S. Juneau" |
Homer E. Reighard "New Milford in WWII" |
H. V. Pat Reilly "Liberated Camps" |
Alan Wood Richenaker "Ordinary Seaman" |
John Frederick Richenaker "Lieutenant Jr. Grade" |
David H. Riemann "New Milford in WWII" |
Richard G. Roesler "Fairmount Lumber" |
Bradford K. Root * "Glider Training Crash" |
Peter J. Ruffini "Carpenter Local #15" |
John W. Rumpf "New Milford in WWII" |
![]() "Siapan" |
![]() "Coral Sea Battle" |
Alfred N. Sanzari "20th Century North Jersey Developer" |
Richard Sattely "New Milford in WWII" |
Robert Sauer "Torpedoman" |
Edward Schaal "New Milford in WWII" |
Robert G. Scherer "V-E Day Paris" |
Frederic Schwab "Mechanic in Pacific" |
Jerome Arthur Seise "Omaha Beach" |
George Sellarole, Jr. "Italy Campaign" |
Ralph Sens "Coming Home" |
Nathan Shatzoff "Air Force" |
Alfred W. Silberbaur "New Milford in WWII" |
Florind Siggia "Medic" |
Joseph Siry "New Milford in WWII" |
William J. Smith "New Milford in WWII" |
Walter Louis Sonageri "New Milford in WWII" |
Joseph H. Squillace "City Manager" |
Frederick Langdon Stagg "94th Infantry Division" |
John Richard Stange "A Change" |
John L. Stavola "Army" |
Clifton A. Stedman "New Milford in WWII" |
Augustus R. Terhune "Master Sergeant" |
Charles Thompson "Navy" |
John F. Thompson, Jr. "30th Infantry Division" |
George E. Toriello,Sr. "Camp Dix" |
Robert L. Totten "New Milford in WWII" |
Robert E. Trinks "Wall Unit" |
William Ford Tristram "New Milford in WWII" |
![]() "A Soldier's Story" |
Arthur V. Turro "Army" |
Harold Vasios "Original Wall Unit" |
Ralph N. Warne* "Superfortress Crew" |
Hughitt Watson "Italy Campaign" |
Spann Watson "Tuskegee Airman" |
Fred A. Wille "New Milford in WWII" |
William V. Wilson "Newspaper to Marines" |
John A. Winship "New Milford in WWII" |
Edward Witte "New Milford in WWII" |
Robert Wood "Patton's Army" |
George Monroe Wrocklage "Career Commander" |
Albert "Al" Youakim "A Brother's Blessing" |
Peter Youakim "Tragedy to Blessing" |
Charles Richard Young * "Tank Leader" |
Francis A. Zaino "Aircraft Maintenance" |
Frank C. Zisa "Prisoner of War" |
Korean War |
John Bellm "1948 Alumni Book" |
Donald L. Bentley "1948 Alumni Book" |
Richard H. Besser "1948 Alumni Book" |
Joseph Bracchitta "HHS's Joe DiMaggio" |
Matthew Buonomo "1946 Alumni Book" |
Angelo Calogridis "1948 Alumni Book" |
John Wesley Carr "Air Force" |
James Leo Carroll, Jr. "1948 Alumni Book" |
Anthony Cavallo
"1950 HHS Baseball" |
Salvatore U. Cenicola "Army" |
Aldo Cerbo |
J. Hobart De Puyt, Jr.. "1948 Alumni Book" |
Anthony A. Del Vechio "Navy" |
Carmen Deriso "Aviation" |
Robert “Bob” Ferber "Army" |
Louis C. Ferrante "Navy Entire War" |
Edward A. Fredericks "Marine" |
Dale Haffeman "1948 Alumni Book" |
Robert Frank Hrbek "Navu" |
William Iurato "Army to Police Service" |
Ernest C. Keahey "Boys Town" |
Robert L. Kingsley "1948 Alumni Book" |
August H. Kitterele "1948 Alumni Book" |
Karl Klinges "1948 Alumni Book" |
James V. Lacey "No Relation" |
![]() "Not Forgotten" |
James H. Latham, Jr. "1948 Alumni Book" |
Peter S. Lepera "1946 Alumni Book" |
Domenick L. Mancini
"1948 Alumni Book" |
Donald Mauthe "1948 Alumni Book" |
Stanley Medaska "Navy" |
Ralph Mei "1948 Alumni Book" |
Salvatore Meli "1950 HHS Baseball" |
Thomas F. Meli "Berlin Germany" |
Herbert Molke "1948 Alumni Book" |
John Niederhauser "1946 Alumni Book" |
Frank C. Occhipinti "Army" |
Stephen Palsa "1948 Alumni Book" |
Masis Parseghian "1948 Alumni Book" |
Vahan Parseghian "Stationed in Japan" |
Robert A. Perone "Navy Weatherman" |
Vincent Perone "1948 Alumni Book" |
Stanley Pitula, Jr "A Baseball Story of Triumph and Tragedy" |
Michael Pizza "Friends Remember" |
Donald W. Plump "1948 Alumni Book" |
Sal Presti "45th Infantry" |
Joseph Ricciardone "1948 Alumni Book" |
John L. Richman "1948 Alumni Book" |
Robert Rollings "1948 Alumni Book" |
Joseph F. Rossi "1948 Alumni Book" |
John Ruse "1948 Alumni Book" |
Michael J. Sanzari, Jr. "Marine" |
Albert J. Sarracino "Army" |
Rudolph Sattely "1948 Alumni Book" |
Harold H. Scharmer "Pork Chop Hill" |
Richard J. Schiemer "Chief Engineer" |
Theodore (Ted) Sellarole "Army Story" |
John C. Shultis "1948 Alumni Book" |
Arthur Simone "1948 Alumni Book" |
Edward Slavinsky "1948 Alumni Book" |
Richard C. Sparling "1946 Alumni Book" |
Frederick Stanyer "1946 Alumni Book" |
William D. Stumpf "1948 Alumni Book" |
Samuel Terry "Army-Friends" |
Peter A. Tucci "Air Force" |
George P. Velotto
"Hackensack Teacher" |
Ralph Wanner "1948 Alumni Book" |
Calvin E. Weber "1948 Alumni Book" |
Howard Williams "1948 Alumni Book" |
Vietnam War |
Robert Accordino |
David Agar "Marine" |
Arthur Banks "Army" |
Neil C. Bassano
"Army" |
Richard Charles Bean "1962~50 year Reunion" |
Alan E. Benson "Army" |
Thomas James Bollerman "Basketball to the Army" |
Thomas J. Bonica "1962~50 year Reunion" |
Richard Borylo "1962~50 year Reunion" |
Dennis Boyd |
Leonard Boyd "Air Force" |
George Daniel Callis "1962~50 year Reunion" |
Wallace Campbell |
![]() "Quang Tri Province" |
Thomas Ciurciu "Army" |
Patricia May Clarke "1962~50 year Reunion" |
Bradley Clay "1966 Graduate" |
Ronald A. Cohen "1962~50 year Reunion" |
![]() "LRRP" |
Malene Cozart-Rogers "COMPATWINGFIVE" |
Alfred D'Ambrosio "1962~50 year Reunion" |
Vincent F. Dattoli "1962~50 year Reunion" |
David Charles Dartt "1962~50 year Reunion" |
James R. Davis "Fighter Pilot" |
Louis DeCrosta "1962~50 year Reunion" |
Patsy DeLaura "Military Police" |
Carl Deus "1962~50 year Reunion" |
George A. Dillard "1962~50 year Reunion" |
Harold Dillard * "Operation Hickory" |
Paul Thomas DiMartino "Sharpshooter" |
Noel Dunn "Never Forgot Friend" |
Jeffrey Ebeling "Army" |
Walter Eckel "Electronics Tech" |
Joseph Esposito "Army" |
Monte S. Fassey "1962~50 year Reunion" |
Constantino "Gus" Faustini "1962~50 year Reunion" |
Jay Ford "Marine" |
Thomas Foshino "1962~50 year Reunion" |
Anthony Francica "USS Intrepid" |
Anthony J. Gadda * "Helicopter Crash" |
David Gaige "Mess Cook" |
Edward Gambon "1962~50 year Reunion" |
Robert P. Gandil * "La Tho Bac Hamlet" |
Bruce P. Gardner, Jr. "1962~50 year Reunion" |
Edward F. Giambrone "1962~50 year Reunion" |
Robert A. Gilman "Air Force 1962 Grad" |
Robert Gomez "Marine Combat Engineer |
Dr. Laurence N. Gorab "Doctor?" |
Burton Ira Gubenko "1962~50 year Reunion" |
James R. Guerra "Fort Greely Alaska" |
Alan Gulino 1962~50 year Reunion" |
Bruce Hansen "Army" |
Glen F. Hansen "Sergeant-Combat" |
Eric Hangin "Interrogation Translator" |
Dennis Hedges "1962~50 year Reunion" |
Rick Charles Herrick |
Walter R. Holt "1962~50 year Reunion" |
Robert J. Holzein "1962~50 year Reunion" |
William J. Hosbach "Marine" |
John Iozzia "Army" |
Daniel Jacobus "Photographer" |
Thomas H. Jones "Army 23 Years" |
Emanuel "Skip" Jordano "River Patrols" |
Richard Keith Jurgan "1962~50 year Reunion" |
![]() "Two Tours Special Forces" |
Frank R. Kerbl "Army Pilot" |
Paul W. Kessler "Chief Petty Officer 3rd Class" |
Dennis Keyes "1964 Graduate" |
Kieran Tedd Keyes "Sergeant" |
Nicholas "Nick" Kirkella "Service" |
Patrick Klause "Marines" |
John Lagomarsino "Army" |
George L. Lapin "1962~50 year Reunion" |
George V. Liosi, Jr. "Stationed Thailand" |
Joseph Littlejohn "Army Signal Corps" |
James Locascio "Army " |
Frank Loturco "Helicopter Pilot" |
Frederick W. Maas "Army" |
Frank Madden "Military Police" |
Michael Marino "Army" |
Kenneth "Ken" McKenzie "Army Infantry" |
Kenneth Medaska "Army" |
Ronald Micucci "Military Police Vietnam" |
Donald J. Monocchio "10th Infantry Vietnam" |
Manuel Moore * "Military Police Pleiku" |
John D. Morgan * "36 years old Binh Long Province" |
Richard Napolitano "Air Force" |
Kevin O'Brien
"National Guard" |
Oscar A. Ogletree "Pastor" |
Henry P. Ostaszewski "Marine" |
William (Bill) Paladino "Delta Force" |
Robert Parisi "Army" |
John N. Peed 1962~50 year Reunion |
Robert Petrocelli "Service" |
Jan Pierson "1962~50 year Reunion" |
Richard Pedone "Danang Airbase" |
Stephen Alan Pokrowski "Navy" |
Frederick Puglisi "Marines" |
Donald Reichert "1962~50 year Reunion" |
Eugene "Gene" Reisfield "1962~50 year Reunion" |
Chester W. Robinson "Marines-Police-Lenape Indians" |
George Robinson "Army" |
Michael Roberts "1962~50 year Reunion" |
Paul Roggemann "Submarine Duty" |
Albert Sansone "Buddy System" |
![]() "1962~50 year Reunion" |
Stanley R. Sebastian "Chu Lai Camp" |
Jeffrey Jerome Seise "Army" |
Richard Selders "Army" |
Thomas E. Simmons "Navy" |
Louis Spagnuolo "Kriegsfield Germany" |
George B. Sellarole "U.S. Army" |
Paul E. Steward "1962~50 year Reunion" |
James P. Sylvestri "Air Crewman" |
Diane Tiedeman "Air Force" |
John Harold Tomeny* "Grenade on Guard Duty" |
George E. Toriello, Jr. "Mobil Construction" |
Roger J. Trentacosta "Army" |
Frank Trifiletti "Army" |
Gary Tully "Navy" |
James Valkenburg "Service" |
Albert M. Visone "1962~50 year Reunion" |
Raymond "Skip" Van Lenten "Operation Star Light" |
William S. Walter "Machinist Mate" |
Robert Floyd Weeks "O.C.S 1962 Grad" |
Sarah “Sally” P. Wells "Brigadier General" |
James Williams "Army" |
Tyrone Williams "Sergeant" |
Robert Clyde Wills "Medic" |
Anthony Wonski "Service" |
Richard "Rick" A. Zaino "1962~50 year Reunion" |
John R.Zeleznock "Air Force" |
Desert Storm Gulf War |
Gerald Fields "Marine" |
Paul Jurik "Marine" |
Walter Noller |
Christopher R. Valle |
Afgan-Iraq War |
Michael Agreda "Marine" |
Lee K. Crusius "Coast Guard" |
Matthew Jason Debonis "Army" |
Timothy J. Jordan "Navy Commander" |
Linda Kittrell "Army Career" |
Between Major Conflicts |
Charles Alt "Air Force" |
David Bollerman |
Michael Capizzi |
Angelo Cataldo "Coast Guard" |
Wilbert F. Coleman "National Guard" |
William J. Deane "1946 Alumni Book" |
Sylvester Fields "Army" |
Lou Gebhard "1946 Alumni Book" |
Edward M. Gilbert, Jr. "1946 Alumni Book" |
Herbert Greenbaum |
Chester "Chet" Hanulak "Did You Know?" |
Victor T. Herbert "1948 Alumni Book" |
Andrew Hunton "Marine" |
Richard Kaplan "1948 Alumni Book" |
David H. Klinges "Navy Reserve Legal Officer" |
Gabriel Marinello "Marine" |
Richard Medaska "Gathering Storm" |
Donald A. Merwede |
Carl F. Oelkrug, II "1946 Alumni Book" |
Thomas W. Olson "1946 Alumni Book" |
Albert Parciasepe "Army" |
Edward P. Preisendorfer "1946 Alumni Book" |
James E. Purcell "Pop Up Target" |
Michael S. Putterman "Gathering Storm" |
Gary Sellarole "1981 HHS Graduate" |
Roy W. Wagoner "1946 Alumni Book" |
William C. Wrocklage "1946 Alumni Book" |
Richard Zoch "1946 Alumni Book" |