SERGT. CORRIS DIED A HERO; September 12, 1918

We do not know if he attended any Hackensack Schools as of this date June 2009.

Louis W. Corris is listed on the Plaque at the Johnson Public Library erected by “THE GIRLS PATRIOTIC LEAGUE OF HACKENSACK ” to honor those men from Hackensack who died while serving in the Armed forces during World War I. This plaque was dedicated just after the war when the people of the city were most closely connected to those who had served and died.

The article reveals a young man who was called to fight. His persistence to serve went far beyond what most men would have done.

The article after explaining his journey to serve mentions two battles in which he was involved. The first battle mentioned is the Battle of Vimey Ridge which over looked the city of Arras in France. It was a German strong hold from 1915 until the Canadian forces captured it in the fall of 1917. From 1915 to 1916 the French suffered 150,000 casualties trying to take the Ridge. The Canadian forces of which Louis Corris had been serving with since 1916, under England 's command took the Ridge.

10,602 Canadian soldiers were wounded and 3,598 were killed. The article does not state in what battles Louis Corris was injured, one would assume that Louis Corris was wounded in this battle considering the magnitude of the fighting.

Louis William Corris was Killed in Action on August 27, 1918 after almost three years of continues combat in some of the bloodiest conflicts of the Great War.

Written by:
Bob Meli
June 25, 2009



Background image is the Vimy Ridge Battle during World War I obtained from:

World War I Introduction