Edgar M. Welch

Edgar M. Welch
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Hackensack Heroes


Edgar M. Welch attended State Street School and lived on 302 Union Street Hackensack.

We don't know at this present time if Edgar M. Welch is related to Edwin Welch from Teaneck, who was killed in action.

Edgar M. Welch served with Company G. during the Mexican border conflict in 1916. He was the first servicemen to die from Hackensack during his service in World War I. He died state side from the first wave of the Spanish Influenza, (pneumonia)
December 30, 1917, at the age of 27.

The Flu struck in late 1917 and the early months of 1918, but then subsided during the spring and summer, only to come back with relentless deadly force in the fall of 1918.

Written by:
Bob Meli


Background image of the Mexican Border Patrol obtained from: